1 top - 16:14:35 up 2 days, 3:04, 7 users, load average: 2.22, 1.84, 1.77 2 Tasks: 512 total, 2 running, 509 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie 3 %Cpu0 : 5.0 us, 1.0 sy, 17.0 ni, 77.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st 4 %Cpu1 : 5.9 us, 1.0 sy, 1.0 ni, 92.2 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st 5 %Cpu2 : 7.0 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 93.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st 6 %Cpu3 : 4.0 us, 0.0 sy, 3.0 ni, 93.1 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st 7 %Cpu4 : 5.8 us, 1.0 sy, 1.9 ni, 91.3 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st 8 %Cpu5 : 22.0 us, 1.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 77.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st 9 %Cpu6 : 4.0 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 96.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st10 %Cpu7 : 4.0 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 96.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st11 %Cpu8 : 4.0 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 96.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st12 %Cpu9 : 18.6 us, 1.0 sy, 1.0 ni, 79.4 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st13 %Cpu10 : 3.9 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 96.1 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st14 %Cpu11 : 3.9 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 96.1 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st15 MiB Mem: 32067.54+total, 7194.383 used, 24873.16+free, 750.664 buffers16 MiB Swap: 15258.99+total, 0.000 used, 15258.99+free. 1660.316 cached Mem17 18 PID VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM COMMAND nTH P SWAP CODE DATA nMaj nDRT USED19 148266 1786.7m 262.3m 65.6m S 46.3 0.8 compiz 17 3 0.0m 0.0m 995.3m 266 0 262.3m20 145203 228.5m 70.3m 40.8m S 25.6 0.2 Xvnc 1 2 0.0m 4.3m 29.7m 0 0 70.3m21 9024 32.1m 4.1m 3.3m S 21.6 0.0 fiberlamp 1 9 0.0m 0.0m 1.0m 0 0 4.1m22 3535 214.9m 68.5m 45.2m S 20.7 0.2 Xvnc 1 4 0.0m 4.3m 23.6m 25 0 68.5m23 7905 31.4m 3.4m 3.1m S 3.9 0.0 fuzzyflakes 1 5 0.0m 0.0m 0.4m 0 0 3.4m24 145581 20.5m 3.0m 2.3m R 2.0 0.0 top 1 1 0.0m 0.1m 1.3m 1 0 3.0m25 1454 12.947g 1.416g 31.9m S 1.0 4.5 java 51 0 0.0m 0.0m 12.809g 168 0 1.416g26 3556 751.9m 66.7m 51.8m S 1.0 0.2 xfdesktop 3 11 0.0m 0.3m 300.4m 277 0 66.7m27 8956 20.5m 2.9m 2.2m R 1.0 0.0 top 1 0 0.0m 0.1m 1.3m 0 0 2.9m
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 3 import sqlite3 4 import os 5 import time 6 7 def create_load_info_table(cursor): 8 create_sql = ''' 9 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS load_info( 10 min1_load REAL, 11 min5_load REAL, 12 min15_load REAL, 13 record_time TEXT, 14 time_stamp TEXT 15 ) 16 ''' 17 cursor.execute(create_sql) 18 19 def create_task_info_table(cursor): 20 create_sql = ''' 21 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS task_info( 22 total INTEGER, 23 running INTEGER, 24 sleeping INTEGER, 25 stopped INTEGER, 26 zombie INTEGER, 27 record_time TEXT, 28 time_stamp TEXT 29 ) 30 ''' 31 cursor.execute(create_sql) 32 33 def create_cpu_info_table(cursor): 34 create_sql = ''' 35 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpu_info( 36 cpu_name TEXT, 37 us REAL, 38 sy REAL, 39 ni REAL, 40 id REAL, 41 wa REAL, 42 hi REAL, 43 si REAL, 44 st REAL, 45 record_time TEXT, 46 time_stamp TEXT 47 ) 48 ''' 49 cursor.execute(create_sql) 50 51 def create_mem_info_table(cursor): 52 create_sql = ''' 53 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mem_info( 54 total REAL, 55 used REAL, 56 free REAL, 57 buffers REAL, 58 record_time TEXT, 59 time_stamp TEXT 60 ) 61 ''' 62 cursor.execute(create_sql) 63 64 def create_swap_info_table(cursor): 65 create_sql = ''' 66 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS swap_info( 67 total REAL, 68 used REAL, 69 free REAL, 70 cached REAL, 71 record_time TEXT, 72 time_stamp TEXT 73 ) 74 ''' 75 cursor.execute(create_sql) 76 77 def create_process_info_table(cursor): 78 create_sql = ''' 79 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS process_info( 80 PID INTEGER, 81 VIRT REAL, 82 RES REAL, 83 SHR REAL, 84 S TEXT, 85 CPU REAL, 86 MEM REAL, 87 COMMAND TEXT, 88 nTH INTEGER, 89 P INTEGER, 90 SWAP REAL, 91 CODE REAL, 92 DATA REAL, 93 nMaj INTEGER, 94 nDRT INTEGER, 95 USED REAL, 96 record_time TEXT, 97 time_stamp TEXT 98 ) 99 '''100 cursor.execute(create_sql)101 102 cur_dir = os.getcwd()103 db_name = 'top_info.db'104 top_log_name = 'top_cpu.txt'105 106 conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)107 cursor = conn.cursor()108 get_all_table = "SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master where type = 'table'"109 cursor.execute(get_all_table)110 all_table_list = cursor.fetchall()111 all_table_name_list = []112 113 for table_name in all_table_list:114 all_table_name_list.append(table_name[0])115 delete_sql = "DELETE FROM %s" % (table_name[0]) #删除原来的记录116 cursor.execute(delete_sql)117 118 cursor.execute("VACUUM") # VACUUM 命令清除未使用的空间119 conn.commit()120 121 topfile = open(top_log_name, 'r')122 123 try:124 lines = topfile.readlines()125 cur_time_stamp = ''126 cur_record_time = ''127 128 for line in lines:129 line = line.strip()130 cur_time_stamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())131 132 if len(line) == 0:133 continue134 elif line[:3] == 'top':135 if 'load_info' not in all_table_name_list:136 create_load_info_table(cursor)137 138 #['top - 08:14:17 up 2 days', ' 15:36', ' 15 users', ' load average: 5.46', ' 5.29', ' 5.18']139 load_list = line.split(',')140 #['top', '-', '08:14:17', 'up', '2', 'days']141 cur_time_list = load_list[0].split()142 cur_time = cur_time_list[2]143 cur_record_time = cur_time144 #['load average', ' 5.46']145 min1_load_list = load_list[3].strip().split(':')146 min1_load = float(min1_load_list[1])147 min5_load = float(load_list[4])148 min15_load = float(load_list[5])149 150 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO load_info VALUES (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', '%s')" % (min1_load, min5_load, min15_load, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)151 cursor.execute(insert_sql)152 #conn.commit()153 elif line[:5] == 'Tasks':#Threads154 if 'task_info' not in all_table_name_list:155 create_task_info_table(cursor)156 157 #'Tasks: 898 total, 5 running, 890 sleeping, 0 stopped, 3 zombie'158 task_list = line.split(',')159 #['Tasks: 898 total', ' 5 running', ' 890 sleeping', ' 0 stopped', ' 3 zombie']160 sum_task_count = int(task_list[0].strip().split(':')[1].split()[0])161 running_task_count = int(task_list[1].strip().split()[0])162 sleeping_task_count = int(task_list[2].strip().split()[0])163 stopped_task_count = int(task_list[3].strip().split()[0])164 zombia_task_count = int(task_list[4].strip().split()[0])165 166 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO task_info VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s')" % (sum_task_count, running_task_count, sleeping_task_count, stopped_task_count, zombia_task_count, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)167 cursor.execute(insert_sql)168 #conn.commit()169 elif line[:4] == '%Cpu':#%Cpu0170 if 'cpu_info' not in all_table_name_list:171 create_cpu_info_table(cursor)172 173 cpu_name = line[:line.index(':')].strip()174 175 #'%Cpu0 : 19.6 us, 2.0 sy, 5.8 ni, 72.6 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st'176 cpu_list = line.split(':')[1].strip().split(',')177 #['19.6 us', ' 2.0 sy', ' 5.8 ni', ' 72.6 id', ' 0.0 wa', ' 0.0 hi', ' 0.0 si', ' 0.0 st']178 us_percent = float(cpu_list[0].strip().split()[0])179 #time running un-niced user processes180 sy_percent = float(cpu_list[1].strip().split()[0])181 #time running kernel processes182 ni_percent = float(cpu_list[2].strip().split()[0])183 #time running niced user processes184 id_percent = float(cpu_list[3].strip().split()[0])185 #time spent in the kernel idle handler186 wa_percent = float(cpu_list[4].strip().split()[0])187 #time waiting for I/O completion188 hi_percent = float(cpu_list[5].strip().split()[0])189 #time spent serving hardware interrupts190 si_percent = float(cpu_list[6].strip().split()[0])191 #time spent serving software interrupts192 st_percent = float(cpu_list[7].strip().split()[0])193 #time stolen from this vm by the hypervisor194 195 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO cpu_info VALUES ('%s', %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', '%s')" % (cpu_name, us_percent, sy_percent, ni_percent, id_percent, wa_percent, hi_percent, si_percent, st_percent, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)196 cursor.execute(insert_sql)197 #conn.commit()198 elif line[:7] == 'KiB Mem':#KiB Mem,主要用的交互选项E设置的单位199 if 'mem_info' not in all_table_name_list:200 create_mem_info_table(cursor)201 202 #'KiB Mem: 32837164 total, 10604512 used, 22232652 free, 1117824 buffers'203 Men_list = line.split(':')[1].strip().split(',')204 #['32837164 total', ' 10604512 used', ' 22232652 free', ' 1117824 buffers']205 total_mem = float(Men_list[0].strip().split()[0]) / 1024206 used_men = float(Men_list[1].strip().split()[0]) / 1024207 free_men = float(Men_list[2].strip().split()[0]) / 1024208 buffer_men = float(Men_list[3].strip().split()[0]) / 1024209 210 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO mem_info VALUES (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', '%s')" % (total_mem, used_men, free_men, buffer_men, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)211 cursor.execute(insert_sql)212 #conn.commit()213 elif line[:7] == 'MiB Mem':#MiB Mem214 if 'mem_info' not in all_table_name_list:215 create_mem_info_table(cursor)216 217 #MiB Mem: 32067.54+total, 5090.746 used, 26976.79+free, 624.168 buffers218 Men_list = line.split(':')[1].strip().split(',')219 220 total_mem = 0.0221 if '+' in Men_list[0]:222 total_mem = float(Men_list[0].strip().split('+')[0])223 else:224 total_mem = float(Men_list[0].strip().split()[0])225 226 used_men = 0.0227 if '+' in Men_list[1]:228 used_men = float(Men_list[1].strip().split('+')[0])229 else:230 used_men = float(Men_list[1].strip().split()[0])231 232 free_men = 0.0233 if '+' in Men_list[2]:234 free_men = float(Men_list[2].strip().split('+')[0])235 else:236 free_men = float(Men_list[2].strip().split()[0])237 238 buffer_men = 0.0239 if '+' in Men_list[3]:240 buffer_men = float(Men_list[3].strip().split('+')[0])241 else:242 buffer_men = float(Men_list[3].strip().split()[0])243 244 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO mem_info VALUES (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', '%s')" % (total_mem, used_men, free_men, buffer_men, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)245 cursor.execute(insert_sql)246 #conn.commit()247 elif line[:8] == 'KiB Swap': #主要用的交互选项E设置的单位248 if 'swap_info' not in all_table_name_list:249 create_swap_info_table(cursor)250 251 #'KiB Swap: 15625212 total, 0 used, 15625212 free. 3900452 cached Mem'252 Swap_list = line.split(':')[1].strip().split(',')253 #['15625212 total', ' 0 used', ' 15625212 free. 3900452 cached Mem']254 total_swap = float(Swap_list[0].strip().split()[0]) / 1024255 used_swap = float(Swap_list[1].strip().split()[0]) / 1024256 257 free_cache_list = Swap_list[2].strip().split('.')258 259 free_swap = float(free_cache_list[0].strip().split()[0]) / 1024260 cache_swap = float(free_cache_list[1].strip().split()[0]) / 1024261 262 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO swap_info VALUES (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', '%s')" % (total_swap, used_swap, free_swap, cache_swap, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)263 cursor.execute(insert_sql)264 #conn.commit()265 elif line[:8] == 'MiB Swap':266 if 'swap_info' not in all_table_name_list:267 create_swap_info_table(cursor)268 269 #MiB Swap: 15258.99+total, 0.000 used, 15258.99+free. 1475.379 cached Mem270 Swap_list = line.split(':')[1].strip().split(',')271 272 total_swap = 0.0273 if '+' in Swap_list[0]:274 total_swap = float(Swap_list[0].strip().split('+')[0])275 else:276 total_swap = float(Swap_list[0].strip().split()[0])277 278 used_swap = 0.0279 if '+' in Swap_list[1]:280 used_swap = float(Swap_list[1].strip().split('+')[0])281 else:282 used_swap = float(Swap_list[1].strip().split()[0])283 284 free_cache_list = Swap_list[2].strip().split('.')285 286 free_swap = 0.0287 if '+' in free_cache_list[0]:288 free_swap = float(free_cache_list[0].strip().split('+')[0])289 else:290 free_swap = float(free_cache_list[0].strip().split()[0])291 292 cache_swap = 0.0293 if '+' in free_cache_list[1]:294 cache_swap = float(free_cache_list[1].strip().split('+')[0])295 else:296 cache_swap = float(free_cache_list[1].strip().split()[0])297 298 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO swap_info VALUES (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', '%s')" % (total_swap, used_swap, free_swap, cache_swap, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)299 cursor.execute(insert_sql)300 #conn.commit()301 elif line[:3] == 'PID':302 continue303 else:304 if 'process_info' not in all_table_name_list:305 create_process_info_table(cursor)306 307 #PID VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM COMMAND nTH P SWAP CODE DATA nMaj nDRT USED308 #'157271 459.9m 256.8m 13.6m R 92.3 0.8 bundle 2 0 0.0m 0.0m 251.6m 0 0 256.8m'309 process_list = line.split()310 PID = int(process_list[0])311 #Process Id312 313 VIRT = 0.0314 if 'm' in process_list[1]: #这里的显示单位交互模式下用的是小写的e作为设置315 VIRT = float(process_list[1][:-1])316 elif 'g' in process_list[1]:317 VIRT = float(process_list[1][:-1]) * 1024318 else:319 VIRT = float(process_list[1]) / 1024320 #Virtual Memory Size321 #The total amount of virtual memory used by the task. It includes all code, data and shared libraries322 #plus pages that have been swapped out and pages that have been mapped but not used.323 324 RES = 0.0325 if 'm' in process_list[2]:326 RES = float(process_list[2][:-1])327 elif 'g' in process_list[2]:328 RES = float(process_list[2][:-1]) * 1024329 else:330 RES = float(process_list[2]) / 1024331 332 #Resident Memory Size333 #A subset of the virtual address space(VIRT) representing the non-swapped physical memory a task is 334 #currently using.335 336 SHR = 0.0337 if 'm' in process_list[3]:338 SHR = float(process_list[3][:-1])339 elif 'g' in process_list[3]:340 SHR = float(process_list[3][:-1]) * 1024341 else:342 SHR = float(process_list[3]) / 1024343 344 #Shared Memory Size345 #A subset of resident memory(RES) that may be used by other processes.346 process_status = process_list[4]347 #D = uninterruptible sleeping348 #R = running349 #S = sleeping350 #T = stopped by job control signal351 #t = stopped by debugger during trace352 #Z = zombia353 cpu_usage = float(process_list[5]) #百分比对应的是单个cpu还是cpu之和使用的是交互选项I设置的354 mem_usage = float(process_list[6])355 command_name = process_list[7]356 thread_count = int(process_list[8])357 use_cpu_index = int(process_list[9])358 359 SWAP = 0.0360 if 'm' in process_list[10]:361 SWAP = float(process_list[10][:-1])362 elif 'g' in process_list[10]:363 SWAP = float(process_list[10][:-1]) * 1024364 else:365 SWAP = float(process_list[10]) / 1024366 367 #The formerly resident portion of a task's address space written to the swap file when physical memory368 #becomes over committed.369 370 CODE = 0.0371 if 'm' in process_list[11]:372 CODE = float(process_list[11][:-1])373 elif 'g' in process_list[11]:374 CODE = float(process_list[11][:-1]) * 1024375 else:376 CODE = float(process_list[11]) / 1024377 #Code Size378 #The amount of physical memory currently devoted to executable code, also know as the Text Resident Set or TRS379 380 DATA = 0.0381 if 'm' in process_list[12]:382 DATA = float(process_list[12][:-1])383 elif 'g' in process_list[12]:384 DATA = float(process_list[12][:-1]) * 1024385 else:386 DATA = float(process_list[12]) / 1024387 388 #Data + Stack Size389 #The amount of private memory reserved by a process. It is also known as the Data Resident Set or DRS.390 #Such memory may not yet be mapped to physical memory(RES) but will always be included in the 391 #virtual memory (VIRT) amount.392 nMaj = int(process_list[13])393 #Major Page Fault Count394 #The number of major page faults that have occurred for a task. A page fault occurs when a process attempts395 #to read from or write to a virtual page that is not currently present in its address.396 #A major page fault is when auxiliary storage access is invloved in making that page available.397 nDRT = int(process_list[14])398 #Dirty Pages Count399 #The number of pages that have been modified since they were last written to auxiliary storage. Dirty pages400 #must be written to auxiliary storage before the corresponding physical memory location can be used for401 #some other virtual page.402 403 USED = 0.0404 if 'm' in process_list[15]:405 USED = float(process_list[15][:-1])406 elif 'g' in process_list[15]:407 USED = float(process_list[15][:-1]) * 1024408 else:409 USED = float(process_list[15]) / 1024410 411 #Memory in Use412 #This field represents the non-swapped physical memory a task is using (RES) plus the swapped out portion413 #of its address space (SWAP).414 415 #8943 397.8m 218.4m 12.7m R 95.9 0.7 bundle 2 9 0.0m 0.0m 216.3m 0 0 218.4m416 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO process_info VALUES (%d, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', %0.2f, %0.2f, '%s', %d, %d, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %d, %d, %0.2f, '%s', '%s')" % (PID, VIRT, RES, SHR, process_status, cpu_usage, mem_usage, command_name, thread_count, use_cpu_index, SWAP, CODE, DATA, nMaj, nDRT, USED, cur_record_time, cur_time_stamp)417 cursor.execute(insert_sql)418 #conn.commit()419 finally:420 topfile.close()421 cursor.close()422 conn.commit()423 conn.close()